1 good 1 bad experience this week. Both experiences relate to the level of service in Singapore, from Locally renowned companies.

The Bad happened first, this is how it goes. 2 nights ago, i was taking my bus back from work. You see, I live in an area whereby i wld need to switch to a feeder bus at the bus interchange, bus no. 57. Well, it’s not exactly a feeder, but it passes by my housing area. SBS got rid of the previous feeder service 274 because of the introduction of 2 new services that go by my area from the interchange, that sucked big time, because 57 takes forever to come. My grandma commented (blasted at me) that she waited 1 hr at the interchange just a few days ago for this service 57. Anyway, what happened to me was that during that fateful (actually not so fateful) night, i missed my bus. It was still at the interchange, turning turning and stop at the traffic light at the exit of the interchange. Instead of running to the waiting area, due to my quick thinking, i ran to the traffic light area, of cuz, being cautious of any oncoming SBS buses, there weren’t any (i mean their intervals already suck so bad, how many buses actually go out at any one time?). I cheekily knocked at the glass door of the bus, hoping that the driver will have some common sense to open and let me in (despite the fact that i was standing in the middle of the bus lane/road and not at the waiting area). Guess what, HE DIDN’T. In fact, he stared at me, with no expression, then look straight again, showing no reaction at all. I was even smiling at him -.-. Then the light turned green and he left. I walked back to the interchange feeling dejected, but only for the moment, then i felt disappointed. In my mind : “where’s the fucking service?” SBS do buck up. It was a shallow act that left a negative deep impact on me. People are paying an increase in fares, naturally the level of service should be higher? Of cuz, it being a public transport, we don’t expect “4 Seasons Hotel” Service, but at least have certain basic courtesy. I am also not saying that this is prevalent throughout the whole company, but it is still noticeable with certain “funky Uncles” driving the buses and not being courteous, with my example being one. Most of the time i do encounter helpful Bus Captains, but that could be because they are genuinely nice people to start with. So definitely, SBS’s HR department could be “upgraded” to “retrain” those Uncle Captains, somehow, influencing and motivating them to provide a whole rounded good service. Think about it, a few happy Captains being courteous, influencing A million or more passengers that board buses daily. Good and Happy Service and Models, Happy citizens, better Singapore.

Speaking of better. Another company, NTUC provided good service to me today. It was through 1 of their staff that was a model of Good Service and that reflects well for the company. I was queueing in line to buy a 5 kg packet of rice. That was the only item i was buying. In front of me was a couple, they were buying at least 20 items which were in not 1 but 2 baskets. They were next. The cashier did not go through the normal routine of starting to scan the next couple’s items. Instead, she looked out and took the intiative to ask the couple whether it was ok to let me pay first, since i only had 1 item (Though before that i was thinking of asking the couple to let me pay first, but they looked pretty scary, so i din ask). Surprisely, the “scary looking” couple said ok, and i appreciated the gesture, thanking both the cashier and the couple. This proves that 1. The law of attraction works (despite having doubts) 2. That was just great service. It was a mix of observation with initiative which saved me time and made me happy. I wonder is it because of her or because she was told to do so when she was hired. Nonetheless, that was a great act and i hope NTUC will keep hiring such staff or continue to train their staff to reach such standards.

Just 3 hours ago, I had a great experience at Mickey D’s. Though their food ain’t exactly world class, the service i got was actually first class. Looks like it wasn’t only fast food that’s of value, but great service brings out a great dining experience. For more information, ask me about it.

Service is important, in living and in Business. It is experiential and valuable, to the end consumer and also the company’s brand and culture. I believe that the society can be molded/influenced through the level of service that companies provide, as it is the citizens of a country that provide such services. That’s on a real Macro level with greater impact.

With love,

Kelvin =)

Sometimes, we are just to engrossed in the harsh demands of the matter at hand that we forgo all our values and principles, acting only in regard of our emotions and really mess things up. Basically, we don’t THINK before we act when we are in that “mode”. I experienced that yesterday and i realised that it is what really distinguishes a truly mature person from on that is not really, really. Not insulting anyone, it’s just my POV and a study of this logic. Humans are capable creatures after all, with our gifted ability to think. Acting purely on our emotions brings out our primal side, which sometimes is not exactly the best way to look and deal with any matter. If you are a nice person, naturally, your basic values and principles should be morally upright, at least a little? Which just means that if you think along those moral lines and separate the facts of the matter and your current emotions (be it angry or sad or SIAO), you basically are “thinking” and should think of solving the problem (if any). I was disappointed with myself yesterday because i wasn’t able to separate the facts from my primal emotions and caused a furor, though the other party wasn’t doing much of that also. However, me, still staying me, provided a solution to the issue yet it still did not absolutely solve the matter. I then realised that what i did not do was apologise and actually, the manner which i presented myself seeked more resentment rather than redemption. I had my ego ahead of my mind at the moment. Learning this art of thinking and acting properly at such intense and critical moments is important in human relations and social interaction as the rules of influence stay the same. We just have to take a step back sometimes and exercise those rules and not bitch about things on the spot. When was the last time you encountered yourself doing so? How did you act then and what did you think about it after? Were you still wallowing in self-pity or you went on the path of “thinking straight”? I consider this as a lesson and hopefully i can redeem myself somehow and all will be forgiven (dependent on the person too) and we can move on on this small tiny weeny issue.

P.S. Did not reveal the facts of the matter because it’s a sensitive issue.

P.P.S. Working life is full of ridiculous ups and downs. You might be good, are others that good? Those who are better, are they truly better?

With Love,


Losing it. Being Limp. Cannot perform. Sounding all too familar? For sure it sounds like impotence. No more stimulation, no more excitement. Definitely, it feels damn sucky not being able to fully erect. Small problem, big issue, for men, a shameful physical problem. I wouldn’t know and I don’t want to know how it feels to be so, but i can imagine yet i rather not imagine at all, an utterly depressing thought. A young man like me should be looking forward to things, not looking downwards and worry about it staying down all the time, get what i mean, heh. However, i have been feeling limp lately. I lost it. Not my ability to erect (no worries about that, i still have the ability to marikita) but what i am talking about here is my motivation. Like a impotent dude, it’s down and staying down, not even struggling to rise up, cause it can’t.

Sounds dang depressing eh, well at times, i do feel this way, just “lost” or “missing”. So much for personal development and learning. I dun really feel emotional about things nowadays, i feel so empty, too empty in fact. I think about things, but i don’t think deep enough, or at least i think so. I feel like working, but working for money isn’t it, sometimes working for the experience is far from it either, it isn’t what i really want. Maybe i am asking for too much, maybe it is too little. I don’t really know. I m just, “lost”. I need a few days to refocus, rewind and recover. I need to find a path, move along it, towards something at least. This mental impotence of mine is driving me nuts really. Feel like i am losing it, no motivation, no inspiration, just boredom and being lost. Is it something akin to a “mental impotence”? Another dilemma that has come about?

Hmm kinda frustrating if ya think about it. I think i shouldn’t think too much or try too hard. Maybe i should live the moment, just Enjoy life.

With love,


The Takeaway


Above is a fancy description of “reflections”. I was inspired by the times where we called for “wai mais” or takeaway food during my time in Shanghai (dedicating this sentence to Kenny). It wasn’t so much of a luxury, though it was free delivery. Anyway, cut to the chase, this is one time which i feel like blogging, after a whole 8 months (well almost), countless of things happened to me, to many to account for in 1 post, i would take hours.

For starters. I just turned 19 a few days ago… August 17 was my birthday. It was pretty significant for both me and my homeland this year. Singapore actually won its second Olympic Medal, a Glorious silver, kudos to the team for trying their best. For me, well… i feel much older this year. I feel that i am getting closer to a stage whereby i will have much more responsibilities in my life. The thought of this weighs darn heavy, seems like i really got to get my act together and be serious about what i really want to do. like seriously.

Main Course. I am back from Shanghai. My first job ever. Before going there, I felt a little lost yet excited about just being there and working with the people there. Reality struck and many things were quite an eye opener for me while others somewhat stressful. In my job, i tried my best and did my best, got the opportunities i wanted and dealt with what i needed to, it all flowed. Made good friends, both the locals and Uni people from Singapore (my colleagues). Supported my friends in whatever way i can, I must say we took care of each other quite well, being generous all the time. Thank you all for that yea. All wasn’t sweet. There were difficult moments, but most moments were well deserved experience. Enjoyed staying with 2 buddies, best people i can live and talk with. The whole experience was in the journey, in good times and bad. Aimed to travel and explore places in China, did travel a lot. Spent a lot (too much for my liking, getting back to control mode in SG). Beijing, Nanjing, HuangShan, Yiwu. Each place left a different memory from the other. All those memories worth treasuring. I felt at home in Beijing, Nanjing was quite eerie but it’s well developed. Huangshan is quite a sight for tourists, and we get to go back into history as we explored the many historical sites. Yiwu, awful place on a whole, but grounds for potential business deals. Made and spent time with Tricia there, being there for her. It really does suck to be lonely and yea, we wanted to support her in any way we could. My Job. Loved the company, loved the bosses, loved the staff, loved the whole experience of working. It could not have gotten any better, it was simply the best. However, events ain’t really my cup of tea after getting a taste of it. It’s very fun, but maybe not in China ba. Being in the middle is tough. What did i takeaway from the job? Mainly softskills. I learnt about negotiation, bargaining (though we do that all the time outside work), dealing with difficult people, being hard on people, act with more balls and the list goes on. I also learnt to value creativity and action. Ideas generated can grow and evolve, but taking the correct action makes it great. Play to your strengths and showcasing it is important in work and for the company to. I got a taste of politics, though not major (since our company people are all nice IMHO), my cca had worse. I simply got too many good things to share about this journey, but one thing’s for sure, this is one of the best decisions i made in my life. I strongly recommend those who are considering to go for attachment to go for it. You win some, you lose some, but you still move forth and gain experience. Spend your worthwhile time during an internship. Have fun in the process too, i had loads!

For dessert. Another adventure awaits. 2 months of local internship (a very very very far one in fact, fuck). Had problems arranging for this internship, but got it anyway. There was indication that i will get to learn a lot, i really hope so, despite the short time. I always believe it is up to me to make the best out of things anyway. Time to be myself and yet be professional again. Got that “lost” feeling once again, don’t really know what to expect in a few hours time, but i have to do it anyway. Operations, here i come!

Things i have been considering about before and after i came back:

1. My love life

2. My career path

3. My strengths

4. Exercise (feeling fucking weak esp because of the lack of it)

5. Business (internet)

6. Goals

7. Family

8. Friends

9. Knowledge and Intelligence

10. Where should i start?

Many things in mind. It’s gonna be an exciting road ahead, and it can only get better. To Life!

With Love,

Kelvin =)



Lovely Blog

I was really dreaming about being in Shanghai, a few hours ago. It was a great experience. I could feel the cold weather, the warmth of the people and the magnificent city, it was like reality. I dreamt that i was with my friends, Kenny and Josh and one other person whom i can’t rmb. We were basically exploring the city, looking for things, food, the office, asking people for directions. At one instance, i was amazed about what i saw. The city was huge, with skyscrapers never to be seen in Singapore. The old and the new. I felt delighted. One funny part in the dream is when we were in a hotel eating. We were not eating hotel food but very plain food that looked like it came from the road side stalls. Those are the main things i still remember. There was another dream after that one, which i don’t rmb a single bit about but it was a nice dream too. It seems so great to dream nice dreams. I guess my subconscious is in tune with what is going to happen to me and what i wish to happen. I treasure that dream very much and look forward to my trip there to start on a new journey.

With Love,

Kelvin =)

In the Zone…


Being in the zone, what does it mean? To some it might mean to be in a place where you feel most happy and satisfied. To others it might mean spacing out or daydreaming. To me it means being in that time and space where i am fully focused at the task on hand. For example, what i am doing currently, blogging. I shall not be distracted by anything else and focus on this task on hand, taking action to complete what i have started as i have allocated sufficient and adequate time for it to be done. I have and my friends have in fact, identified this as my weakness or something that i should work on. (as i am blogging, i am msning, not even focused man…).

Of cuz, we should always work on our strengths, but i also understand that we must not neglect our weaknesses, especially if is major and affects your strengths, suppressing it at times. I know i do lack a lot of self control which carries forward and fuels this weakness of mine. It has been proven time and again, safe (unsafe) to say during this past semester. When i want to do my tutorials, i end up playing, watching, reading, anything else than doing them. i say things like later, later, then i end up getting too tired and going to sleep. I snooze i lose. I lost time though i gained a certain amount of energy. Still that energy doesn’t seem enough. I have not been exercising and never felt shittier than ever before. My upper back aches like fuck, especially the left side. I can’t seem to breathe properly even at times. I even fell sick twice ever since i came back from Msia. My recovery rate is still fast, about 1-2 days after flooding and flushing my body with H20 (water). However, this time, i am still having this cough, how irritating and sick I feel at different points in the day.

It’s pretty unhealthy to think of all that especially so early in the morning. Let’s look on the bright side of things. This morning i woke up early. 4+ am. I feel proud and delighted about the fact that i am willing to wake up so early this time around. What motivated me to do so? I dunno, i just woke up, guess the sleeping cycle was over, anyway i think 5 hrs of sleep is adequate. It means i can do more things also. Start reading on IEF before class at 10 later. Go for class prepared and confident, also enjoy the learning process of IEF.

Being in the zone has never been such a challenge as of now. To me, it’s just so hard to pick up 1 task and complete it in 1 long breath. Maybe it’s fear, fear of not doing well. I can justify that by saying i will do my best. Maybe it’s distractions, which i very much agree on. I am distracted by others, chatting, talking, making fun, games, etc etc. Time and Mind control is of utmost importance now in order to get focused. What should i do next? That is more important.

Well, i gotta get my act together, especially when the next most important and life changing event in my life is coming up, going to Shanghai. It’s a mental hazard to not be able to focus. I seriously regress rather than progress, what i truly want is progress. I realised that and know i have to pull up my socks, buck up while still stay true to myself. I do not deny that i have more fun nowadays than anytime in year 1, but i also compounded my worries on serious things. The balance is simply not there. As Tony Robbins always says, “Our Decisions shape our Destinies”. I have decided to do and not do many things which resulted in who i am, what i usually do and what i have attained. Well, we take things in better when it is broken down into smaller bits, easier to feed and be digested by our minds. My next step is to re-plan my time for optimum usage, especially daily planning. I will go back and review what the motivational gurus have to say, visualise and ACT on it, on them. The result i want is to be able to focus on tasks better, motivated to complete them to the best of my abilities, while having fun at the same time. Although, sometimes i truly wonder, what is the purpose to do what i am given? Does it contribute to my life? Well, i’d better start doing the things that serves me a purpose in order to build a better me. All i can say, let me move forth, see me soar! Gotta get my act right, gotta be in the zone again.

One of my favourite quotes in life which just about sums up everything:

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they become habits.
Watch your habits, for they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.

With Love,

Kelvin =)

Me and Pa


Me now.

Me at 52 years old.

How time flies, i already know how i will look when i am my father’s age. Maybe still skinny though. Still, I LOVE MY PA!

With love,




I have never felt so emotional in NP before, never ever. I even came close to crying. Things were pretty out of place, things got slightly out of hand. My mind was displaced, in disequilibrium. It wasn’t all about me, it was about us, but i could have done something, i didn’t, i felt guilty, still feeling guilty, now feeling real helpless.

By mutual agreement, we intended to each settle one project, asked for help if we needed, this somewhat lead to over reliance on the person “in charge”. We lost the file, missed the target date by 4 days and got screwed. It wasn’t a matter of getting screwed because the project wasn’t handed up on time. It was a matter of attitude and character as described by our mentor. It really was verbal lashing which made pure sense but hurt every part of me and Kenny i think, if he was affected by it, he was, how badly, i dunno. At that moment, i really felt like crying. What she said made me think, though most of it wasn’t really true. I was thinking about why things turned out the way it did, the way we handled the situation, respect and responsibility and what i can learn from this. It was indeed a mistake that is serious, though not beyond redemption. We as a team are not what she described. It was really a moment of folly so to speak.

What i really really felt is that almost all things are within our control, being early was. I admit, i did not have the sense of desperation, no sense of urgency, no sense of remorse. All i had was fear, it was dead fear. I lack the courage, “no balls”, no idea, to challenge Josh’s decisions even. I felt that our team over relied on him, he wasn’t feeling too good either, i could sense it, but i did not think of doing anything about it. I was afraid, of what, i am unsure, i just felt so. Sometimes, i guess it’s better to advice him as well, cannot always think he’s always right also, as many people do. Still, i don’t blame him for his decisions, be it pushing the project too late or anything else (our bad habits of doing last min work) that had caused this incident to occur. He did do his best during the past 4 days to cover for the mistake, but to no avail and unforeseen circumstances (stupid email nvr thMistakes are part and parcel of life, i know that, i make many too, i learn from them, i am sure Josh learns even better especially abt some things. He’s one of my best friends after all, what are friends for, i still trust you no matter what, it’s just a small mistake in the whole spectrum and adventure in life, no worries. Dude, if you read this, yea, no problems at all dun worry, also i apologize if i wasn’t “gou peng you” =). Also, don’t blame urself too much (if you are, i sense it anyways), i know the pressures you were facing and still facing.

I felt really helpless and lost when our characters was misjudged. I know we are definitely responsible, even after we make mistakes. and Josh is definitely VERY responsible, just that he mismanaged his time i guess. He was trying his best to look for ms koh, we did not, we relied on him, i feel guilty for that over reliance and am very sorry, din take any initiative or showed any signs of desperation, was too “relaxed” and thought things were fine. Ms Koh saw that as arrogance and that we did not bother to even apologize. She sure was pissed during class, Kenny, Shi Ling and I kept mum in class, i did not know what to say, tried to say something and was shot down, hard, guess she needed to cool off also. Our characters were not only questioned but suspected and judged. I admit that our behaviour and actions from the time we lost the file till the 4th day was slightly “bo chap”, especially on the part of not informing her. I wasn’t even thinking of solutions, wasn’t even worried. What kind of person was i at that time, i honestly have no clue. Only after yesterday that i know i was scared, fearful and lost, lost my courage also, helpless.

We must look forward. Being on time is going to be top in my priority list. I used to have it, but lost it. This incident highlighted the fact that i really “lost” the sense of urgency and importance some things REALLY are and how much they mean to me. I even let others affect me, i wasn’t even demanding or strict enough with my values and character to say “hey, this is real urgent, we better get it done no matter what”. I leave things last minute, I hate that. Others still do also, i hate their ways to, but who am i to lecture them, it’s still up to them, their choice and decisions on how they want things to turn out in the end. We were overconfident, that lead to our grave error. We overlooked many things, resulting in being late. Our focus was literally not even determined. We failed to deliver, that’s that, whatever the reason may be.

This oversight lead to distrust. I will need to redeem not only myself but also my team. It’s not even starting from scratch, it is starting from a negative. Hopefully people forgive and move on, i believe people do. Only time will tell.

I was really affected very much on Tuesday. This morning i had 3 dreams. 2 of which i remember. 1 of it was a wet dream (you shld know what happens). All of it were nightmares btw, it wasn’t very enjoyable. My sleep was indeed disturbed. My mind is at unrest. I am even scared to sleep now. Anyway have assignments to complete. Talk about being on time, however last minute it is, still have to BE ON TIME. With that i shall end. May the future be bright ahead, i have learnt from my mistakes. Sorry sometimes really seems to be the hardest word.

With Love and Distress,


The art of being sexy. Something i always loved to be, do and have. Pure Sexiness. In life, all we need is some sexiness. Words related to this particular one include seductive, steamy, sensual, alluring others include arousing, sensuous, erotic. All seemingly have sexual connotations. Isn’t sex beautiful anyways. Getting too horny already, better tone down. Anyway, still a true blue virgin, physically and mentally :p. The point i am trying to make here is that when you think of sexy, what comes to your mind? A sexy lady? A sexy pose maybe? Well, to me, i admit i do think of such things when the word sexy is mentioned, but all i bother to make of it is plain jokes. ok, the jokes aren’t really plain, but exciting ones that initiate laughter across the room. I shall explain why.

My first encounter with this infectious word that is really like a brand is from my classmate Song Yao in SJI. He kept on using the word in class, for jokes and all, also “acting gay” at times when using the words. People found it amusing, so did I, also, it was somewhat irritating at times. The fact is, i enjoyed his entertaining actions and expressions, especially his facial and vocal expressions. This year, or rather, somewhere around the end of last year, i felt like using the word compulsively in lch, with that bunch of jokers of course. So i made it clear that each and everyone was a sexy person, by saying: “Hi Sexy, looking sexy today!” What i first heard was laugher, then squeals, then finger pointing, then weird facial expressions , somewhat looking quite disgusted. Thereafter, a few weeks later, those closer to me noticed the compulsive usage of the word. Some even adopted my ways. That’s so sexy isn’t it, getting people to follow you, especially joke with you, omg, so sexy lar! Also, when i wake up in the morning, i look at myself in the mirror, saying: “oh Kelvin, your so sexy today, today will be a great day while the world stays sexy, your friends are all sexy and nice too, woot!”. Try that, laugh at yourself, feel good in the morning and look forward to the eventful and exciting day ahead!

These few months, i realised how to joke better also, besides using words as such which induce creative thinking and release the creative juices of many jokers all across the board. What i do nowadays is use my body language more. That’s the art of joking, comedy and funny-ism as i call it. The meaning of true laughter, started by simple movements of your body, the grace, the elegance, the weird combinations of dance and eccentric actions of all sorts. All that jazz, just move it move it, move your body. So i learnt how to be funny through random movements. Another thing is facial expressions, which i feel are very useful in making people laugh out real loud, tested and proven. How i respond to questions, how i express my “anger” and “happiness” as well as other feelings like disgust, angst, love, beauty, horny, yea you get the message. I can’t really describe it, my facial expression is just a natural knee jerk reactions to questions and answers of people. Damn, really look like a joker. Another is the words we use. As explained, the compulsive use of some words, the clever picking of words to respond to questions, some that make people burst into laughter. Joking is a creative process, a quick witted one in fact, simple as it is, it’s a wonderful source of entertainment and stress relief, satisfaction guaranteed.

Well, i am still a learning to be a joker that caters to everyone. I know sometimes i am lame, forgive me, those aren’t jokes but hey, i had fun and tried my best. To those who love to joke, especially those who are natural jokers, keep it up, joke at the right moments, create the right excitement. Joking is such a popular and entertaining culture of some sort. Truly, jokers are really well received and rapport is built up very quickly. Time to be serious, be serious, time to joke, blady hell, joke ur balls off. As long as your jokes are generic, non-insulting, non-derogatory, fun loving, lame at times, sharp and quick, they will be well received and welcomed, while you will become a joker, a star. This is a short tribute to all the jokers out there, those who are natural, still learning, planning to learn and those who just love listening to jokes! Keep jokes for good times and bad, to cheer someone, and sometimes to jeer at something. Lighten the burdens and delight yourselves with jokes!

With Love and Jokes,
